Age of Pirates - Caribbean Tales is an immersive naval game focused on pirate adventures on Caribbean seas in 17th century. This immersive simulation captures every aspect of pirate life with respect to sword swinging adventures, down to every detail. As Blaze or Beatrice - reckless fortune hunters or redheaded daredevils who navigate their sailor through the Caribbean Sea to trade multiple goods and plunder merchant convoys while accomplishing quests, building their fleet, capturing colonies, ruling them as rulers etc. - players will navigate their vessel around numerous routes through this captivating open world game. Follow your lucky star as this courageous adventurer embarks upon an exhilarating life filled with naval battles, bloody fights and treasure hunts in an environment filled with pirates and sea romance! Additionally, this game can also be experienced from a third person perspective while exploring your colonies or fighting alongside your crew of cutthroats and corsairs! Verfügbare Sprachen (available languages)
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