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ARK: Survival Evolved Agent Roswell Anomaly Agent Sparta 2: Alexander the Great Airline 69: Return to Casablanca AlcoFox

Age of Empires II (ger. Age of Empires 2)

Age of Empires II
Metacritic 93
Userscore 9.0

Release 1999
Hits 86.288

Size 17.57 GB
Medium 1 DVD
Password 404

Updated 11/01/23




Age of Empires II Definitive Edition marks the 20th anniversary of the game that has been one of the best-selling strategy games of all time. It features stunning 4K Ultra HD graphics and a brand new content called "The Last Khans", which includes 3 new campaigns and four new civilizations. Discover the most popular expansions and the original campaigns in a way you've never seen before. The game spans over 200 hours of gameplay, and 1,000 years of history. Challenge other players online with 35 different civilisations to achieve world dominance throughout the centuries. This definitive remaster of one of the best-loved strategy games ever created will help you choose your path to success.

Voice output country img country img country img country img country img country img

Texts and subtitles country img country img country img country img country img country img country img country img country img country img

ElAmigos release, game is already cracked after installation (crack by MrGoldberg). Updated to version 95810 (31.10.2023).

DLC: The Mountain Royals, Return of Rome, Dynasties of India, Dawn of the Dukes, Lords of the West, Enhanced 4K Graphics Pack.

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» Age of Empires II17.57 GB


System Requirements (Minimum)

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