Discover an entertaining point-and-click adventure, inspired by all those masterpieces which kept us indoors (hence why we rarely ventured outside), featuring quirky characters, unexpected twists and challenging riddles! Accompany Vio as she embarks upon an unexpected and exploratory voyage through various realms. Explore broken cities, pirate ships in deepest jungle and other surreal locales. Make yourself available when she makes acquaintance with (depressive) Death and engage in dialogue that includes numerous explicit or implicit references, tributes and imitations to classic films from times gone by (and perhaps still yet-to-come). Discover charming characters with Vio and explore an alternate reality world that seems disjoint from ours. Retro is at the core of everything this game stands for! That is why its sole developer draws all background graphics the old-fashioned way using paper, pencil and ink; then digital coloring. Finally, all animations are hand drawn using classic frame-by-frame technique for maximum authenticity! Verfügbare Sprachen (available languages) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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A.Twisted.Tale-TENOKE 1.11 GB