A mysterious island lies far across the ocean. Embark on an emotional journey through a world of brutality and breathtaking beauty, twisted by supernatural powers. Amicia, Hugo, and their children fled to the south after their homeland was destroyed. They travel through new cities and regions. They try to control Hugo's curse and start anew in the new cities. When Hugo's powers return, death and destruction are brought back in a flood by devouring rats. The siblings are forced to flee again and place their hope in the prophesied island which may be the key to saving Hugo. Find out what it costs to save those you care about in a struggle for survival. You can use a wide range of weapons and tools to defeat foes, and unleash hell. Voice output
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Singleplayer Full controller support Atmospheric Story Rich Third Person Exploration Female Protagonist Stealth Action-Adventure Dark Mystery Historical Cinematic Realistic Medieval 3D Linear Drama Narration Alternate History Emotional Interactive Fiction |