Final Cut, a graphic novel adaptation of A New Beginning is an adventure-thriller in the style of a movie. Earth is at the edge of a climate catastrophe in this charming, witty adventure. Traveling the globe is essential in order to save mankind from this horrible fate. Bent Svensson, a bioengineer, had to quit his research into alternative energy sources. The former workaholic now lives in isolation in the forests of Norway. Fay, who claims to be a future time traveler, invades his early retirement. She convinces him that her mission is to stop the global warming catastrophe and that Bent's research will be the only way to do so. His results are about to fall into the hands a reckless energy magnate who is only interested in his own profits. Bent and Fay must now work together to stop the impending global catastrophe. Verfügbare Sprachen (available languages)
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